Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The new house

Hey y'all!! Okay, since we've been here in this house, we're still surronded by our own drama, but that's better than dealing w/ the drama of others. Let me give you a run down. I backed into the garage door as it was going up. I thought I'd cleared it but I was wrong. Colonel jumped on Juliet and as I was trying to break them up, my finger got mangled. Surprise though...I have "Slayer" healing abilities and after about 2 weeks it was healed. I think there might be some nerve damage though. Ling Ling birthed her kittens. She had 4, one was still born, the 2nd one was accidently killed by Juliet, Ling Ling ate the third one (believe me you don't want the details; it's the thing nightmares are made of), and poor little Jinx, (the last one) just wasn't thrifty and died of natural causes. I found a new home for Ling Ling last week. Brian's new job is going great. I no longer suspect that he might kill our whole household and himself. However, the percentage of me killing him in a rage has gone up to 5 percent. He threw out issues 1 & 2 of my BtVS comics. Joss Whedon who is the creator and head writer on BtVS put out the 8th season of the show in comic book form. Mr. Whedon is doing all the writing and he's a genius if you ask me. I just found out yesterday that Jock (my little boy) is allergic to Penicilllin. We found out because he had an allergic reaction to some meds he was prescribed. He's better today, but yesterday was extremely stressful. I try to keep the full armour on and God is still blessing us cause Jock could have been a whole lot worse. Praise be, we have insurance now & my kids can go to the doctor. I also don't have to break my Lexapro down the middle anymore. I get to recieve the full benefits of my happy pills. I'm wrapping it up now The View is about to come on... gotta see who they're voting to join the island. Peace & Love all around you.

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