Me: Hello
Voice: Is this Mrs. Jaime Mason?
Me: Yes
Voice: Mrs. Mason, your husband fell into a manhole and broke both his legs.
Me: Hmm. Is he unconscious?
Voice: No ma'am he's screaming & in a lot of pain.
Me: Of course he is. I'll be there as soon as I can.
I hope this scenario never happens but if it does, I wouldn't be surprised. Let me take you back to the beginning of our marriage:
'98: Acid Reflux. He lost threw up constantly & lost 20 lbs. before diagnosed.
'98: Really bad flu.
'98: Shingles.
'99: Battery acid in his eyes.
'00: Nearly set house on fire.
'02: Steps on a 2 1/2-3 inch rusty nail.
'02: Falls down stairs.
'02: Falls down stairs... again.
'02: Falls downstairs carrying Abbey.
'02: Falls downstairs & is no longer allowed to carry Abbey up or down the stairs.
'03: Falls in the shower.
'03: Homeless man sleeps in his car.
'04: Falls up the stairs...Yes, he fell up the stairs & hit his head on the top stair.
'05: Constantly trips over newly installed gates.'06: Scrubbing a stain out of Abbey's carpet, he pops a ligament in his finger & has to wear a weird finger cast.
'06: Still tripping over the gates.
'07: Windshield wipers go out in a storm & he drives home w/ the drivers side window down, wiping the windshield manually. When he gets home his whole left side is soggy.
'07: Still can't quite get the hang of those gates.
'08: Brakes fail completely on the way home. Has to use emergency brake to stop at red lights. Since he uses his car as his office, everything flies forward upon stops.
'08: Getting a bike for Abbey, he pulls a bike down from above & nearly knocks himself unconscious.'08: And last but not least, is arrested for a 5 year old warrant and manhandled by the police.
I love that man.