Friday, March 16, 2007
Abbey's fear of small dogs
We have 3 Great Danes right now. Abbey has grown up with them. The largest of them was 165 lbs. She never was scared of them, in fact one of her first words was "MOVE!" and it as directed towards our Danes. Then we had our first litter and they would chase her all over the house and knock her down, lick her and bite her hair. Fast forward 4 years. We moved into the house we currently live in. The people that live across the street had 2 Chihuahuas and would let them roam the neighborhood. Abbey, Jock and I would sit out front on the porch and the Chihuahuas came up in the yard where Abbey was playing. They jumped up on her to play with her and she panicked. She started running down the sidewalk screaming and the dogs thought she was playing so they started to chase her. I almost fell off my chair laughing cause all I could think of was the end of Goldilocks. Goldilocks ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. That's what Abbey was doing, she was running as fast her little legs could carry her. I tried to calm her down but she was having none of that. Our neighbors were laughing as well but they grabbed the dogs and took them in the house. Abbey is still afraid of small dogs but she dominates the largest dogs of all.
Don't be Fooled (Crackpot theory #3)
If y'all aren't suspicious of this HPV vaccine you should be. They are trying to make the vaccine mandatory here in Texas. They want to vaccinate girls from age 9 to 26. Crackpot theory #3 is they will switch the vaccine for minorities and give us instead, some kind of drug that will keep these girls from producing. Now this is my paranoia talking but that doesn't make it any less true. I do believe the Government is trying to keep minorities from procreating. We have to look to our past and learn what the Government has already done. Do y'all know who Miss. Evers' Boys were? If you don't know, research it. Our Government has committed atrocities on minorities for years. Don't let your daughters get this HPV vaccine.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Sophia, aka, Sophie, aka (Goddess Athena of Munger Pl.)
You've read about Cozette & Juliet my dog companions but you've heard very little about Sophia, Cozette's sister. There's a reason I didn't take Sophie with me to roust the drunk man on our lawn from his stooper. There's a reason I didn't take Sophie with me to get my cell phone back from the "Illegal Pharmaceutical Salesman". You know the guy at the bar wearing his new pair of tenny shoes (the word is spelled the way it's often pronounced). Someone has the misfortune of bumping into that guy and scuffing them. The "tenny shoe" guy pulls out a gun and shoots the other guy in the gut. That's Sophia. Sophie is the friend you had or still have that always want to fight. I could take Cozette with me to a shady situation and knew she wouldn't "do something" unless it was called for. I can take Juliet with me to another shady situation and she'd be ready to fight but I could tell her to "chill out". When it came to Sophie, she was of the "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality. She was fine with my little girl, my husband & I. She also did well with close family but when it came to outsiders you'd better watch out.
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