Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Gripe list prt. 2

Let's talk turkey y'all. Have y'all taken a look at the big box of crayons lately? I was trying to color my little boy's ABC card's and I couldn't find the colors I was looking for. In a box of 96 Crayons the colors are baffling, because they don't have the regular names they used to have. Red is now Razzmatazz. I went through all the shades that seem like they might be red and was wrong every time until I got to Razzmatazz. Some of these new "tricked up" color names are: Raw Sienna, Cerulean, Wisteria, Mahogany, Spring green, Cerise, Timber wolf, Sepia, Golden rod, Jazz berry Jam,& Tumble weed. Can any of you tell me what those colors might be? Can you see why I was confused? To top it it off, there are some crayons in that box that don't have names. It's like the Crayola people said; they're guess is as good as ours.

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