Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday history was made. Even Osama Bin Ladan knew about it & he really has been hiding under a rock for the last 2 years. I wouldn't let myself believe it was really gonna happen, until I saw it and other black people felt the same way. You see, as a people, we hope for the best & expect the worse, that way our hopes won't be dashed. I watched, half expecting the ghost of Bull Connor to appear and knock the Bible from under our new President's hand, but let me back up. The "Procession of Presidents Passed" was what was really interesting. Each of them looking more haggard than the last and poor President Carter looked like a "haint" (a ghost, for those of you who are to Citified to know that word). Then they finally got to President Bush, who looked like he had been on an extended vacation. The job hasn't aged him an iota. The other Presidents had been aged by what I imagine is the hardest job in all the free world, and this jack-ass has pep in his step. Here comes Dick Cheney being wheeled out looking like Mr. Potter from It's a Wonderful Life. When I saw Cheney, I instantly thought of the "scurvy little spider" speech the fictional George Bailey made to the also fictional Henry Potter. It was nice to see our super cool Obama, have nervous laughter when he took the Oath of Office. To me, it made him feel more real. The "dark cloud" over the festivities was that when G.W. took flight he was coming back to Texas, and eventually to Dallas. He should do well to remember, Texas may be a "red state" but Dallas County is blue.