Monday, April 16, 2007

Somebody please, make it stop!!

I want to know how long it's gonna take for the Reality TV shows to go away? Who can make them stop? How can I make them STOP?!! I want them to go away they're ruining TV. Why are people still watching these shows?! I'm tired...I'm so so tired. Fox has a great new show on called Drive and I watched the first 2 episodes. The show is really good but I don't want to get to used to it because Fox will take it off and put on some reality show like: Who Gets the Perfect Dog or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to hate reality tv especially crap like real world, the hills, surreal life and college hill . I couldn't beat them because they are on every channel so I joined them. Flavor Flav and I love New York were the highlights my week. Better me being a viewer of drama than having my own.