Friday, October 12, 2007

What will dogs eat?

Over the years I've owned 6 Great Danes, so I've seen my share of what dogs will eat. Lets start w/ Juliet, she is my oldest and she was the first to rob my refrigerator. If you own a dog, don't ever open the fridge and turn your back. She stole fried chicken and I didn't know it was gone until I found her eating it in the closet. Then came Cozette and Sophia...Lord have mercy, those dogs would eat anything it didn't even have to be edible. I think the first thing they ate was cereal, including a large portion of the boxes. Eventually I learned to put the cereal & crackers were they couldn't get to them. Of course I'm not perfect and sometimes things were left were they could get to them. I was making Black bean & Ham soup one evening. At that time my husband and were being interviewed to be foster parents. I was between the kitchen and dining room talking to the foster people and dicing up the ham. Now, the kitchen and dining room were right next to each other so I was back and forth talking to them and cooking. I wasn't surprised that Cozette ate the ham, I was surprised at how quick it happened. I ducked out of the kitchen for no more than 10 seconds, came back in and the whole ham was gone. Cozettte wasn't in the middle of eating the ham...the ham was just gone, like it had never existed. Cozette was just standing there not licking her lips or chewing or anything, just standing there. I told my husband we were just havin' Black bean soup that night. Cozette and Sophia also ate a big box of Velveeta cheese. All I ever found to prove that it was them and that I wasn't losing my mind, was half of the yellow box on top. I never found the foil that it comes in nor did I find the brown box on the bottom. Apparently they had ate that too. Cozettte used to get in these funny moods where she would eat things that were inedible, like plastic bags or film negatives. Of course it would make her sick and she would throw it up. One Christmas, I caught Juliet just about to eat some German chocolate cupcakes. I literally caught her poised over them w/ her mouth open. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and then walked away. Sometimes w/ Cozette & Sophia we would come home to find piles of throw up w/ socks in it or half eaten blankets. Then came Ms. Ellie. She pulled a hot pot of squash down off the stove and tried to eat it...she wasn't successful, it was a piping hot pot of squash. That brings us to Ginger, she's sweet, mild mannered and doesn't get into stuff. She aids in my clean up. If we have corn or rice as a side dish the "man cub" gets it all over the floor. When the kids are done eating, we let Ginger in the kitchen and she takes her time and gets every grain of rice or kernel of corn of the floor. I couldn't do a better job if I used the vacuum cleaner. I love Great Danes and they're wonderful personalities. I do believe I will always own at least one.

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