Saturday, September 28, 2013

What Are You Prepared To Do?

That title is a line from a movie, but it applies for America today.  The Government has had their boot heel on our neck's for years now.  Most Americans are either complacent or buy what the Government is selling hook, line & sinker.  If you think those dusty countries, are the only the only countries that are using chemical weapons against their people, open your eyes cuz you are sorely mistaken. 

Currently, class Warfare is going on and the War on Race has never ended.  Let's start with Class Warfare & how the Government is helping to make it's citizens sick.  The FDA approves Food & Medicine, correct.  That means the Government has approved Corn syrup, going into everything that it's in.  And y'all... it's in everything.  Don't take my word for it, check your labels & see.  What happens when you get to much Sugar?  You get fat, develop Diabetes & a host of other things.  When you get Diabetes & the host of other things, you need to take medicine.  But wait, doesn't the D, in FDA stand for Drug.  Yes, it does.  Pharmaceutical companies profit off us, the citizens, getting sick.  Isn't the FDA a Government Regulation task force?  Yes, it is.  Are you getting the picture now?

On to the next example, of how our Government is committing Chemical Warfare against it's people.  There are companies like Monsanto, that give their Genetically Modified seeds to farmers, for them to grow food.  These seeds are patented by those same companies that give the seeds to farmers, in essence, taking control of the farms.  They can't out right take people's farms, but they can make those farms dependent on the companies, to grow their crop.  Now, once those seeds are in the ground, they've modified them to with stand all other chemicals that kill bugs & help the crops grow.  The farmers then have to buy insecticides & fertilizers, from the company they bought the seeds from.  Gotta give the devil's their due, it's clever.                
Now, on to the next crooked thing.  Do you know what GMO's are and what they do?  A GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism.  When I heard the word "Genetically", in relation to food, for the first time a few years ago I already didn't like it.  Genetics is not something you wanna play around with.  If you don't buy your food from Whole Foods, most likely you're putting GMO's in your body everyday, 2 or 3 times a day & I'm not completely sure if Whole Foods, food, isn't being Monkeyed with.  GMO's are a Transgenic technology, what that means is, they take the Gene from 1 organism & splice it with the Gene of a WHOLE different organism.  They've done studies that show creatures that live near & eat the these GMO foods & drink the water that runs off these foods, can now switch genders.  Don't take my word for it, research it. 

The same thing with Hormones in meat.  Girls are now starting their periods at 8 yrs old.  Our bodies are becoming more resistant to Antibiotics as well.  The reason for that is, the more you expose your bodies to Antibiotics, the higher your tolerance for them becomes.  Now let's get to the part that may shut get my FB acct.
shut down.

The Government is moving us around like pieces on a Chess board.  While they & the other 1% get richer (or is it more rich) off the backs of, what used to be the working class, the working class is dwindling.  Tent Cities are not so shocking any longer & you find people in those Tent Cities who used to have good jobs.  I believe on Thursday of last week, Republicans (& this is not a smear against Republicans, it's a smear against ALL of Congress) were trying to pass a bill that says if you want Food Stamps, you need to take a drug test (which I have no problem with) but that you also must work 20 hours a week, to be eligible.  I'm sorry, who are the people who need food stamps the most?  People who have lost their jobs or people who work, have just enough to pay bills and no money for groceries.  The Government is trying to starve us out, while they sit down to a Duncan Phyfe table every night, their cook presents their dinner, they eat it in 1 of the many homes they own & retire for the evening.

Whenever Congress wants to cut something out of the budget, it's always to the detriment of the poor, or the working poor.  You hear this all the time, but I'm gonna say it again, because it bears repeating.  Why don't they give up their salaries, that would definitely help out some.  When they need to make cuts, why are the 1st things brought up always Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid & Food stamps?  They're all Monsters & they deserve to be put down as such.  From 1789 - 1792, the French Revolution took place, Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI were dragged out of their palace & locked up.  This was done because they were living a posh & lavish life, while people starved & died.  It's time for American citizens to wake up & fight.  It's time to set fire to 1%'s homes & drag them out into the street.  Complacency has no room here any longer.  The Government is trying to kill us.  Kill us with bad food & make a profit.  Kill us by starving us out.  Kill us by being in cahoots with insurance companies, who turn us down because of "pre-existing" conditions, that they helped cause.  Kill us with tainted water.  Congress is an Evil Empire & they need to be dealt with.  WAKE UP!!  What are you prepared to do?!!             

Monday, July 22, 2013

Everything I know about sex, I learned from Jackie Collins

When I was ten years old, there was a Scholastic Book Fair at my school.  I told my Grandmother about it and asked if I could have some money for the Book Fair.  She said to me, there r plenty of books in that basket over there, and she pointed to the basket.  I was happy with that answer.  The very first grown up book I read, was Master Of The Game by Sidney Sheldon.  That was it.  The die was cast and from then on, (with the exception of the Sweet Valley High series and a few YA novels) I read books that were for grown ups.  A Jackie Collins novel was my next novel and was my absolute favorite author. (until I read my 1st Stephen King book) I became a girl on a mission.  The big Library, Downtown had book sales, to get rid of all their used books, that had seen better days and also to make room for new books.  My Grandmother and I went to those sales, where obtained every Jackie Collins novel, that was for sale.  In my household, we never had "The Talk".  Sex was never mentioned, despite the fact that I watched all the nigh time soaps and daytime soaps, when I was home from school, i.e. Dallas, Knots Landing, Falcon Crest, Dynasty, The Colby's, Guiding Light, As The World Turns & The Young and The Restless, but back to Jackie Collins.  Television sex, was far different from Jackie Collins sex.  I finally found out what all the fuss was about and in great detail.  I was caught up in stories of scandal, nefarious schemes, murder, deceit and torrid, sexual affairs.  Jackie Collins' sex was AMAZING to me at 10 years old.  Maybe my Grandmother let me read Jackie Collins, so she wouldn't have to have the uncomfortable "Talk".  Maybe she let me read it, b/c she thought I was mentally capable enough to actually get the story or maybe, she just plain forgot or didn't realize exactly what was between those pages.  All I know is, I was glad she let me read it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Shrillest Shriek

My definition of The Shrillest Shriek:  an involuntary sound your body makes when startled.  The Shrillest Shriek often times hangs in the air moments after you've made it.  It's a universal sound and everyone who hears it, knows the person making the sound has been startled.

When we first moved into the Munger house, it had rats and I made that sound often.  After being there for a while, I was no longer startled by the rats.  When we put the good poison down, I'd open a door, a dead rat would be there and I would just close the door or move the piece of furniture back in it's place till my husband got home. 
A few months ago, we were having horrible problems w/ rats.  I had forgotten the shrillest shriek, but became acquainted with it again quickly.  We couldn't find the good poison anywhere.  Yes there is a "good poison" they (rats) apparently use the poison from the grocery store as a snack.  Once you crossed the threshold of the kitchen, you were in their territory.  I quit going in the kitchen after a certain time of evening.  They were also trying to come through the wall in the bathroom.  Pretty soon, the whole house would be theirs.  One night, after dark, I heard Abbey make the shrillest shriek.  I didn't get scared, I knew what the sound was.  The next day, I went online in search of the "good poison", and I found it.  We mounted an assault against the rat hordes.  After a couple of days, I knew we were winning.  The smell of dead animal was so strong, it made me nauseous.  I had to open the few windows we have and turn on every fan.  We've been rat free for a few months now but Spring is here, the rabbits are back and I'm sure the rats will follow.  

Maaan do I miss Crackheads

We've been in this house for quite a while now & I've decided I really miss Crackheads.  Crackheads would do anything you needed them to do, for ten dollars.  If it was a big job, I'd give'em twenty dollars.  Our trees needed to be trimmed, the leaves needed to be raked up and a plethora of other odd jobs, need to be done.  Unfortunately, since there aren't any Crackheads around, I have to pay through the nose, for things to get done.  My gutters are so full, they've actually sprouted weeds.  If there was just one Crackhead around, all of my outdoor problems would be solved.  Oh well.

OW! That hurt my heart!

Time again to catch up w/ the Mason kids.  My kids are aged 11, 8 and 4.  My 4 year old Dash, is quite a little pistol.
A few months back, I was sitting in the living room and heard these words, coming from my daughter: "Ow, that hurt my heart!"  I started laughing, because those words coming from a 10 year old, just don't fit.  Then I remembered Dash, the Diabolical, so I thought I should investigate.   In the hallway, I found my daughter, doubled over clutching her chestDash, the Diabolical had struck again.  He jumped up and kicked Abbey dead in her chest.  No, I didn't go after Dash, to whoop his behind.  I was more concerned with watching Abbey and making sure her heart didn't stop.  It probably did hurt her heart.  Her heart probably skipped a beat.  If she would have been on a heart monitor at that moment, she might've flatlined for a second.  Everyone has seen the electric paddles doctors or EMS people use to revive a patient.  I imagine his tiny foot contacting her heart, most likely jolted it, somewhat similar to the way those paddles work.  Needless to say, she was just fine.  

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Peace held no more...

That's right, I've held my peace long enough. Its time to drop some dimes. Its hard to know where to start. First off, the recession is on because of the REPUBLICANS. How is it, that Obama's been the President for jut a little more than year, but all the layoffs & the state of the economy is his fault? Y'all need to get real. Yes, I will agree that the Democrats played a part in this too, because they agreed on the war 8 or (is it) 9 years ago. We all know that EVERYONE was duped. I'm an Obama supporter, but he is making a mistake sending troops to Afghanistan. Yes, that's most likely where Osama Bin Laden is, but at this point in the game, we don't need to send troops out. We should be doing what we can to help Iraq recover, & then withdrawing our troops. The money that we're spending, sending troops to Afghanistan could go towards something else. This is not a war like WWII where we know & can see our enemy. The money that we're spending over there, could go towards making America safe. Our enemies are here, living amongst us. 

Next, the douche bags at Chrysler are reneging on our deal, but if Obama wouldn't have approved the bailout, we would have just had more layoffs sooner. Don't worry, all those higher ups at Chrysler, AIG etc. are gonna get theirs. Maybe not today & maybe not tomorrow, but trust & believe, they are gonna reap the world wind.

Alright, time for the Bible thumping, racist, Republican super conservatives. All of u can kiss my ass & go straight to hell. Let their lily white daughters be raped by a black man, they'd carry her to have an abortion so fast, it would make their own heads spin. You don't believe in abortion but you do believe in the death penalty. Get the f**k outta here. If you're not rich, you should not be a Republican. I don't understand how conservative, so called Christians, can justify all of their political beliefs & still call themselves Christians. Their beliefs, are the exact opposite of what Jesus teaches in the Bible. You freakin' hypocrite make me sick to my stomach. I actually have an over all bad feeling when I think about you. I also don't appreciate you giving Christians a bad name, because of you, souls will be lost.

NEXT!!! To everyone that's against passing the health care bill into law, you are some selfish, greedy, hateful, low down dirty dogs & you'll get yours just like Chrysler & AIG will get theirs. I just wish I could be there to see it. You make my booty itch. There's no reason for one of the most prosperous countries in the world to be behind Cuba in health care. Yes, if u didn't know, Cuba, a 3rd world country has better health care than America. Even a deranged dictator like Fidel Castro isn't as crooked as our own politicians, pharmaceutical & insurance companies. If you're not rich, you shouldn't be against health care for all. All it would take is for you to get sick & have your insurance drop yo ass like hot potato. You'd be sick, & possibly lose your home. You would then regret the decision to be against health care for all. To all the idiots, claiming that their against health care because it would make taxes higher, are u insane. My family spends 400 & sum odd dollars on insurance alone every month. That's not including the price of prescriptions. Every month, we don't know if somethings gonna happen where our insurance is gonna drop us or not. If there was health care for all, our taxes would go up but you would no longer live in fear of getting sick & being dropped. I would be happy, no, delighted to pay 400 & sum odd dollars more in taxes every month for my peace of mind & possibly no co pays for prescriptions or doctors visits. Also, if you don't have to pay what you're currently pay in insurance, & that money instead went to the government for the exact same thing, how would u be getting hosed?  It comes out the same & you'd be getting more for your money. Time for the Douchebag of the year award. This year it goes to: (drum roll please) Joe Lieberman. Oh how I'd like to do bad things to this traitorous douche bag. Maybe its because I'm so loyal, to my own detriment at times, that I want to punish him to death by a thousand cuts. Ok, thats all of my rant for now. I'll be back later w/ more cause the Genie is out of this bottle.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Fever

I don't know if y'all have heard about the Binghamton, New York shooting yet but if you haven't, I believe 17 people were killed there today. Of course I have a theory. It's Spring Fever. I'm not making light of this tragedy, I'm just telling you what contributed to it. There's always a little truth in Old Wives Tales. People react just as strangely to the first of spring as they do to a full moon. Let me give you some more examples. The Oklahoma City bombing was in April, The Branch Dividian stand off in Waco,Tx was in April too. Also Columbine and Virginia Tech. My Grandmother said that her Daddy (my G-Grandpaw) would snap every spring and jump on somebody. They used to have to send him away to air him out a bit. Don't tell her I said this, but Grandmother, who suffers from "the crazies" too gets belligerent and wacky. I've been trying to recover from my slow downward slide this first of spring as well. Once again, not making light of these tragedies, spring does something to people. Take my advice and try to be nice to people this 1st of spring, you don't want to be the one that makes someone snap.